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Season 1 Episodes

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Episode 025 - Princess Mimi

Tai and Joe found the lost Mimi, who is now the Princess of a kingdom of Gekomon. The Gekomon believe Mimi is the destined Princess whose song will awaken their king, ShogunGekomon. Mimi lets the attention go to her head and arrest Tai, Joe and even Palmon when they try to reason with her.

Mimi doesn't realize that this is all a plot by DemiDevimon to break her bond with Palmon. Fortunately Mimi comes to her senses and realizes that she must do what's right.

She sings a song that frees ShogunGekomon, but he goes out of control. The three DigiDestined defeat ShogunGekomon.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

Episode 026 - Sora's Crest of Love

The entire team is finally reunited, including Sora, who explains why she's been hiding from them. She learned from DemiDevimon that while she's the holder of the Crest of Love, she's incapable of using it.

Sora remembers he mother, who never seemed to understand her, and questions her very ability to love. When their new enemy, Myotismon attacks, Sora refuses to let Biymon enter the battle because she doesn't want to see Biyomon hurt.

Biymon refuses to listen and accuses Sora of not understanding her. Finally Sora realizes that her mother was protective of her not because she didn't care, but because she loved Sora so much. Sora finally realizes the love in her heart and gives Biyomon the strength to digivolve into Garudramon.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

Episode 027 - The Gateway to Home

The Digidestined find out that there is an 8th member to their team. Their new enemy Myotismon has left the Digital World to find and destroy the 8th Digidestined.

They also encounter another foe, Gatomon, the loyal henchMon of Myotismon. Despite her size, she proves herself to be the equal of Champion-level Digimons.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

Episode 028 - It's All in the Cards

Gennai explains to the Digidestined that in order to open the portal to the Real World, they must place a series of cards in the right order. The wrong cards will send them to another dimension.

Acting on a hunch, Tai picks the right cards and the Digidestined finally return home.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

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